

Finding An Album

Roon features incredibly powerful tools to let you find just the album you’re looking for. Whether you’re looking for an album you’ve known and loved for years or explore albums you’ve never listened to, Roon offers an unparalleled browsing experience.

My Albums

Albums from your library, whether they’re from a local drive, a NAS, or your streaming service libraries, all show up in My Albums. Here you can use Roon’s powerful tools to find exactly what you’re looking for with ease. 

The easiest way to jump to something specific is the Filter function. This is a text filter that will pull up text matches in an instant. For example, if I wanted to find all albums by Taylor Swift, I could use Filter and type “Taylor”: 

Looking for something more broad? Want to find albums that fit a certain criteria? Focus is an incredibly powerful tool that will allow you to dig deep into your library. 

In the example above, I’m using Focus to find Pop/Rock albums from the 1960s that are in the FLAC format. The possibilities are nearly endless with Focus, and we highly recommend checking out our more detailed breakdown of this innovative feature here.

Finally, you can sort the page so you can see, for example, results organized by which albums you play the most, or see which albums were most recently added.

You can quickly search items both in and out of your library by using the Search function. Search uses Valence to intelligently surface the most relevant results for optimal convenience: 

Only want to see results from your library? No problem! You can click the Library Icon to see results limited just to your library:

Other Ways To Discover Albums

Valence offers countless ways to discover your next favorite album, from nearly anywhere in Roon. You can find recommendations on the Home, Artist, Album, and Genre pages, among many others! Every page has the potential to be a jumping off point for your next musical journey. 

Exploring An Album

Finding an album is only the beginning in Roon. The album page offers a variety of options, tools, and recommendations that give albums a whole new life. 

The Basics

Right away, the richness of Roon’s metadata is evident. Roon pulls in reviews, genres, ratings, and more to give greater context to the album you’re viewing. You also have quick controls to start playback, launch Roon Radio from the album, and add it to your library if it isn’t already!

Below this you can find the album’s tracks. You can start playback of a specific track, use Focus or Filter (particularly helpful for Box Sets!), and see some track specific options by selecting the 3 dot menu: 

Valence Recommendations

With the power of Valence, every album can be a jumping off point for your next musical journey. Valence will make recommendations for other albums from the artist, as well as new releases that you might like if you enjoy this album: 

Browsing Credits

Unlike most apps, credits in Roon are not just a flat list. Instead, Roon’s rich data makes exploring you favorite albums in new and interesting ways a reality. 

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