Classical Music Reimagined
Roon understands that how you explore certain genres of music is different. That’s why we’ve come up with a completely new visual style and information layout for classical music, bringing advanced discovery and an educational experience like nothing else. Roon provides tighter links between albums and composers, as well as simpler browsing and intelligent recommendations based on the composer, performer, composition, or conductor you’re listening to.
Our Discography feature includes a comprehensive new “performances” view, where you can use Focus to find performances by composer, performer, form, period, and more. Interested in hearing Martha Argerich performing Chopin? Maybe a Nocturne? All Bach recordings by Glenn Gould? In just a couple clicks, Focus will get you there.
Explore The Genre Like Never Before
The Classical experience in Roon starts with the Classical Genre page. Here beginners and experts alike can take advantage of Valence recommendations, genre radio, and quick access to the various classical sub-genres.
The Genre & Sub-Genre pages act as a perfect starting point for exploring classical music in Roon. While the Classical Genre page has all of the same great features as the genres, Roon understands that Classical music browsing requires special treatment. With this in mind, Valence will surface not only performers and albums, but also notable Composers and Compositions for a given genre of Classical music.
In many playback applications, Artists and Composers are given a nearly identical treatment, but Roon understands that Classical listeners require a deeper understanding when exploring Composers.
Finding Composers
The Composers browser, combined with Focus, Sort, and Filter functionality, enables you to find Composers with ease. Additionally, the Composers browser offers a quick filter option to see only Composers of Classical music with the press of a button.
Focus is better than ever, powered by Valence to surface relevant and interesting criteria for Classical listeners. Let’s say, for example, you wanted to explore French Romantic period Composers: Valence makes this effortless.
Whether you’re new to the genre or have an extensive Classical library, Focus offers an effortless and powerful way to explore the Composers in your library.
There are many other ways to find Composers that aren’t in your library too --- Search, the Genre and Sub-Genre pages, Valence recommendations, and more!
Composer Overview
When you select a Composer you’ll land on their Overview page. The Overview page does just what it says: It provides an overview of the Composer’s life and work. Here you can find albums & compositions featuring this Composer from your library, biographical information, and more!
For new listeners of Classical music, it can be a daunting task to find the important compositions, albums, and performers --- Roon & Valence take the guesswork out of the equation and allows you to dive right in to the most well-regarded albums and performances.

With Overview, we hope to not only make it easy to find well regarded performances, but we also that this will be a place for people to learn more about the ins and outs of the genre. Valence surfaces notable compositions, similar composers, recommended new releases, and more, allowing even the newest of classical fans to learn more with every Composer they visit.
Exploring A Composer’s Discography
Ludwig van Beethoven may never have performed on a recorded work, but there are thousands upon thousands of albums in the world where musicians are performing his compositions. With the Valence powered Focus on the Discography page of the composer, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips to dive into these thousands of albums like never before.
Let’s say you want to find High res albums from Qobuz where Herbert von Karajan is conducting the Philharmonia Orchestra’s performance of Beethoven compositions. With Focus, you can find this in seconds:
Just like that, you’ve managed to take thousands of albums and, using Focus, narrow the results down to 9 albums featuring the criteria you’re looking for. The possibilities are nearly limitless.
Browsing A Composer’s Compositions
The final tab on the Composer’s page is Compositions. Here you can explore the Composer’s various works and use sort, filter, and Focus to assist in your exploration.
Valence understands the context of Classical music that other apps don’t, meaning that Focus for Compositions is sensitive to this context and surfaces only relevant options such as Period, Form, and Instrumentation:
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