DSP Engine: Crossfeed

MUSE - Precision Audio Control: Crossfeed

Crossfeed is part of the MUSE suite. For more information on accessing MUSE, see here.

In Roon


Crossfeed is for headphone listening. It mixes some of the left channel into the right channel, and vice versa, while applying filters and delays that simulate the experience of listening to
stereo speakers. It is most useful when listening to older stereo recordings where instruments are hard panned to one channel with vocals in the other channel. When used with these recordings, it helps "center" the soundstage.

Headphone amps often provide an analog crossfeed implementation. Roon uses a digital emulation of such analog circuits called Bauer Stereo to Binaural.

Roon provides a few presets, which correspond to the default settings provided by the author of the library, as well as the analog circuits designed by Chu Moy and Jan Meier--pioneers of analog crossfeed.

There are other interesting approaches to enhancing the headphone listening experience. If you're interested in this topic, try searching for "HRTF" (Head Related Transfer Function).

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