Roon will always try to find the best match for the albums in your collection. However, if you're not happy with the information we've retrieved, we've made it easy for you to correct it.
To try and find a better match, click the 3 dots icon on the album's detail page, click Edit, then click
Identify Album:
First, Roon will try to automatically identify your album. If you see the correct one in the list, click
it to proceed. If Roon didn't automatically detect your album, you'll be able to search for it manually on the next screen. Once you've selected a match from our database, you'll see the album's information on the left. Your tracks appear on the right.
Not every version of every album has tracks in the same order, so be sure to match up your files to the order in our database before clicking Save.
When something doesn't match up, we'll let you know at the bottom of the screen. Once everything is in order, you're done and you can press
Save to pull down credits, genres, high resolution cover art, and other great information about your album.