Want to enjoy your favorite radio station's online stream in Roon? Check out our Live Radio directory, a collection of more than 1000 live radio stations, hand-curated by the Roon community. You can browse stations by genre or quickly find your local stations.
As with all streaming content, live radio can be added to your library for easy access later.
Roon's Live Radio directory is an actively maintained database; if you have questions, suggestions, or if there’s a station you can’t find, let our curators know in the
Radio Curation category on our community site.
How It Works
You can access our Live Radio Directory to browse stations of all types from all over the world. To find the directory, head to the Navigation Menu and select Live Radio:
Station Details Page
When you select a station, you can see details about that station such as the location, the frequency and band if applicable, and much more. You will also see a list of streams that are available for the station and you can select which gets played by default.
Browsing Live Radio Stations
The Live Radio Browser is separated into two main categories: Directory and My Stations.
Here you can browse all the stations in our directory by using the following methods:
You can browse the categories to find specific genres of music, different types of talk radio, live sports, and sports talk stations.
The most popular stations are shown first, and you can more stations in the category by clicking More:
Locations & Languages
It's possible to find stations from specific regions of the world by using the Locations category.
Roon will also automatically show you stations that broadcast near your physical location as you browse the directory -- if there are any "local" stations they will appear at the top of the page.
You can configure how close Roon considers "nearby" stations to be, by clicking the globe icon.
This menu will also allow you to filter all the stations on the page by language
Roon's search function, powered by Valence, can also be used to find stations.
Simply search for the station(s) you're looking for and you can see results that include Live Radio stations. For example, when searching in Roon for "NPR":
My Live Radio Stations
Any stations that you add to your favorites can be seen by going to the menu and choosing My Live Radio. In Roon's menu, under Library, choose My Live Radio to see your favorites!
Request new stations and discuss the directory
Become a Curator
The Live Radio directory would not exist without the help from our amazing team of Curators. All of the stations you currently see in the directory were entered by Community Curators, and the Curation team continues to maintain the directory today. We're always looking to add passionate members to the team, so if you'd like to help out, please
sign up here.
We generally add Curators a couple of times a month, so we'll be sure to reach out to you with more information soon. You don’t need to commit to any specific amount of work or number of stations – all we ask is that you care about making Live Radio the best it can be.
Adding Custom Stations
You can manually add Live Radio stations by choosing ADD STATION on the My Stations screen:
You can add stations that stream in MP3 or AAC formats, and Roon also supports
TuneIn web page URLs. You can usually find a streaming URL on the radio station's website, or you can use the URL of a TuneIn web page. For example, KCRW's streaming URL looks like this:
And their TuneIn web page URL looks like this:
My added Custom Station does not work
There are several reasons why a live radio station may not play in Roon, ranging from a station server outage, an unsupported URL, issues with the stream format, or regional playback restrictions. Here are the most common limitations we’ve discovered:
- Geo-restricted radio stations. Some radio stations limit the streaming of their content to a certain geographic location. If you are outside this location, these radio stations can’t be added in Roon.
- Website URL. Roon will only accept an audio stream URL, not a radio website URL. Most audio streams end in .mp3, .aac, .pls or .m3u.
- HLS streams. Some HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) formatted streams (that change the bit rate stream in real time based on conditions) may not be read by Roon, depending on the codecs that are being used. These streams generally end in .m3u8
- Missing metadata. Roon can only display metadata that is incorporated within the stream. Even if this information is displayed in the station’s own radio player, Roon cannot access this metadata if a radio station refers to a separate page for currently playing information.
- Non-UK TuneIn references not supported in the UK. Non-UK streams cannot be added in Roon for users located in the UK: this is a TuneIn limitation. The stream can be added, but it will not play in Roon.
If you're still having issues, please, let us know by creating a post in the
Live Radio Category on our community.