Migrating to ROCK

Migrating To ROCK

If you're setting up ROCK, and your Roon Server had previously been running on Mac, Windows, or Linux, you'll need to migrate your Roon database. Your database includes your playlists, edits, play history, tags, settings, and more. This guide will walk you through the process.

Step 1: Backup Your Database

In order to migrate to ROCK, the first step is to backup your database. To do this, we strongly recommend you connect a USB drive directly to your existing server, or use a NAS or other network storage device on your local network.

While Dropbox is a good way to keep an incremental backup in the cloud, we don't recommend it for this migration, as you will be transferring an entire copy of your database, and Dropbox will be significantly slower than USB or network storage

If you already have a scheduled backup

  1. Go to the Backup tab of Settings
  2. Click Scheduled Backup
  3. Click the "three dots" and select "Force Backup Now"
  4. When the backup completes you should see "Last Successful Backup" at the bottom of the Window
  5.  Shut down your Roon Server

If you would like to create a new backup

  1. Go to the Backup tab of Settings
  2. Click the "Backup" button next to Backup Now
  3. When the backup completes you should see "Last Successful Backup" at the bottom of the Window
  4. Shut down your Roon Server

Step 2: Restore Your Database 

Now that your Roon database is fully backed up, it's time to copy it to ROCK. At this point, ROCK should already be set up. If you haven't done that yet, start here.

To Restore Your Roon Database To ROCK:
  1. Ensure the backup you created above is accessible to ROCK
  2. If you backed up to a USB drive, connect it to ROCK
  3. If you backed up to network storage, ensure you know the address, log in, and password for your NAS or network storage device
  4. Connect to ROCK by launching Roon on any Mac, Windows PC, iPad, or Android tablet and selecting ROCK from the "Choose Your Server" screen (note: we don't recommend using an iPhone or Android phone for this process
  5. Since this is your first time launching ROCK, you will be asked to log-in when you connect. Instead of logging in, click "Restore A Backup" in the lower-left hand corner
  6. Use Roon's file browser to locate the `/RoonBackups` folder you created in Step 1
  7. If you created a USB backup, it should be connected to your NUC and you can navigate to it
  8. If you backed up to network storage, you can find the RoonBackups folder by clicking Add Network Share and entering the details for your NAS

Step 3: Configuration

There are a few other considerations once your database has been restored to ROCK. 


In many cases you will need to re-configure Roon to find your storage devices. This could happen, for example, because your USB drive has a different path connected to ROCK. If you need to update your storage configuration after restoring your database, please follow these instructions.

Make sure to follow the instructions above to edit your existing storage configuration. Adding a new storage configuration without removing the old configuration can cause file identification issues.


Network audio devices (such as RoonReady devices, Roon Bridge, Squeezebox, HQPlayer, etc) should work without any further changes after restoring. If you previously had an audio device directly connected to the machine running your server, you can connect that device to ROCK and configure it like normal. If you'd prefer to keep the audio device connected to the machine that was previously running your server, you can also install Roon Bridge on that machine in order to make it accessible to ROCK over your network. 


Your Roon license can easily be transferred between devices. If you need to log in after restoring your backup to ROCK, your license should automatically be transferred over, or you will be prompted to move it over. 

Previous Server Machine

Please make sure you have a backup of your database before deleting it
Once ROCK is up and running, you may want to continue running Roon as a remote on the Windows or macOS machine that previously ran your server. In that case, we recommend renaming or deleting the Roon database folder on that machine. You can find the Roon database folder here. 

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