Importing Media to ROCK

ROCK: Importing Music

ROCK makes it easy to import new music, no matter where you store your collection. There are two different ways to import new music and both are described below. Either method will work whether you're using internal storage, external storage, or network storage.

Before You Start

This article assumes you've set up some kind of storage with ROCK. If you haven't done that yet, you'll want to take a quick look at this article.

This article also assumes you're using ROCK's internal storage or an external USB drive connected directly to ROCK. More information about adding a folder and importing your music can be found here.

If you're using a NAS or some other kind of network storage, read no further -- you can import your media by saving it directly to the NAS. More information on setting up a NAS with Roon here.

Note that if you're using USB storage with ROCK, you can also copy music to your USB drive before connecting it, as opposed to copying it over the network as described below. Just make sure your drive is formatted properly

Method #1 Drag And Drop on to the Roon application on Mac/PC

You can always drag and drop music files into Roon on Mac and PC. Roon will copy these files to the storage locations you've configured on your server.

If you've configured Roon to watch music in more than one folder, Roon will ask which folder you want to save to, and will then copy your files to the Roon Imports folder, where it saved to a folder based on the time of import and the device imported from. If you'd rather manage the folder hierarchy yourself, go on to Method #2.

Method #2: Importing To Network Folder

ROCK exposes a network share on your network using SMB, just like a NAS. By accessing this share, you can copy files directly to ROCK. In this share is a folder called `Storage`, and inside that are all your drives (USB or internal storage) connected to the ROCK machine.


To connect to ROCK, open Finder, then click the Go menu. Select Connect To Server. On the Connect To Server window, type:
  1. `smb://rock/data` or `smb://rock.local/data`
If that doesn't work, Connect as a guest and you'll be able to find your drive in the `Storage` folder.


To connect to ROCK, open explorer and type `\\rock\data` or in the address bar. Connect as a guest and you'll be able to find your drive's devices in the Storage folder.

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