Roon OS Data Directory

Roon OS Data Directory

Roon OS automatically exposes a shared network folder (SMB share) called `/Data`. Be careful modifying files or folders in this directory, as this could lead to permanent data corruption and/or loss.

Some reasons you might want to access the shared `/Data` folder include:
  1. Accessing internal or USB storage connected to Roon OS
  2. Copying music to internal or USB storage connected to Roon OS
  3. Adding codecs required by Roon
  4. Replacing or accessing Roon's database
  5. Accessing Logs

Accessing Roon OS's Data Directory

With ROCK running on your network, you can access Roon OS's `/Data` directory like any other SMB share.
  1. Windows - In Windows Explorer, type \\ROCK\
  2. MacOS -  In Finder, click Go, then Connect To Server. Then type smb://ROCK/ and connect as a Guest
In either case, you can also replace `ROCK` with the IP address of your Roon OS device.

These instructions assume you are using ROCK -- if you are using Nucleus or another product based on Roon OS, consult your product documentation for the correct hostname, or just use the device's IP address.

Using Roon's Data Directory

Accessing Storage and Importing Music

If you've connected a USB hard drive to Roon OS, or if your Roon OS device has a separate internal hard drive for storing media, you can access this storage using Roon OS's Data directory. Once you've accessed Roon OS's data directory, all your connected storage should appear under the /Storage folder.

Roon OS will assign a unique folder name for each shared folder based on its volume name, model number, serial number, etc.

If you want to import music, connect to Roon OS's `/Data` directory, find the folder you want to copy music to in the `Storage` folder, and copy your music over. Then, you can set up Roon to watch your media by following these instructions. You can also use Roon OS's Storage folder like a "Mini NAS", to provide network access to files that are not "watched" by Roon. 

Note: You cannot store music on the Roon OS system drive. 

If your Roon OS device has internal storage or a connected USB drive, you should see a folder in the /Storage directory:

If your /Storage directory is empty, your Roon OS device does not have media storage available. If you think something might be wrong, let us know.

Adding Codecs

ROCK requires that codecs are installed in order for your Roon Server to function properly. You will want to place the `ffmpeg` file into the `Codecs` folder in Roon OS's `/Data` share. For more information about installing Codecs, see here.

Accessing Logs

Logs for your Roon Server can also be accessed via Roon OS's `/Data` folder. You'll find the `Logs` folder in the `RoonServer` folder. If you need to provide logs to Support, please follow the instructions here.

Accessing Roon's Database

If you are migrating your Roon database to Roon OS, we recommend using Roon's backup feature, as described here. Roon OS's `/Data` share allows access to Roon's database, in the RoonServer folder. While it is possible to swap or replace your Roon database via the `/Data` share, do not modify the Roon database stored in the `RoonServer` folder unless you know what you're doing, as data loss is possible. 

Note: If you are accessing or copying your Roon database, you must first stop Roon Server via Roon OS’s web interface.

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