

Tags are a great way to organize your collection, giving you quick access to just the right music. You can tag almost anything in Roon, and it's easy to get started.

Roon's Tags feature was designed to be fast, easy, and endlessly flexible. For example, you can use Tags to:
  1. Organize music for a party (by tagging artists or genres)
  2. Keep track of music from a certain source (ie, HD Tracks)
  3. Remember context (ie, Recommended By Brian, or Music From Summer 2000)
  4. Keep track of edits (ie, Artists That Need Better Photos)
Roon's Tag functionality has been rewritten from the ground up for Roon 1.3, so read on for an overview of the feature and details of what's changed.

Tag Browser

You can access the Tag browser from the sidebar:

Filtering By Tags

In addition to browsing everything you've tagged, you can also dig deep into the content of your Tags using Roon's normal browsers. Focus on a tag by clicking at the top of the browser:

When focusing on tags, you'll not only see the albums you've tagged, but also albums from artists you've tagged, or albums that contain compositions by Composers you've tagged. 

Tags and Profiles

Starting with 1.3, tags can also be profile specific. This means you can create tags that are either "shared" with other members of your household, or that are only visible to you. You can always edit the "ownership" of a tag from the Tag details screen, by clicking the "three dots" button.

If you've previously created tags, they will be "shared" tags, meaning they're accessible to all profiles. 

Adding tags

You can add tags to Artists, Albums, Tracks, Composers, Works, Playlists, Genres, or other Tags by clicking the "three dots" button: On many pages, you can also tag content by clicking the Tags button: You can also tag multiple items at one time by selecting them and choosing Add To Tag from the selection bar. In all these cases, Roon will open the Manage Tags screen:

From the Manage Tags screen you can:
  1. Type in the Search area to filter the list of Tags
  2. Add A Tag: Fill in the checkbox next to the Tag you want to apply, then click Save
  3. Remove A Tag: Uncheck the checkbox and click Save to remove a tag from the content you've selected
  4. Create A New Tag - Click New Tag to create a new tag
The Manage Tags screen will also let you confirm what's been previously tagged. In the example screenshot above, 3 albums have been selected and you can see that:
  1. Some of the content had been previously tagged as "2016 Favorites"
  2. All of the content had been previously tagged as Recommended By Brian
  3. None of the content had been previously tagged as Sunday Relaxation


Over the years, we've heard a lot of requests related to organizational systems -- many people attracted to Roon's library management have already been managing their libraries for years, and everyone has their own system. We've heard all sorts of suggestions related to how people might carry these systems over into Roon, and Roon 1.7 includes a kind of all-purpose "swiss army knife" feature for these cases. 

Going forward, any track that contains a `ROONTRACKTAG` or `ROONALBUMTAG` file tag will automatically be "tagged" inside of Roon at the album or track level, respectively. This is a hugely flexible tool for the importing of nearly any external organizational system.

For example, say you have a folder called "HD Tracks Downloads", that you'd like to browse the inside Roon. Using your favorite file tag editor, just add ROONALBUMTAG to the files in that folder, with the value set to `HD Tracks Downloads`.

Every album in the folder will automatically be tagged, and you'll be able to tag additional albums (or delete the tag from any album) in-app.

Browsing Tags

To find your tagged music, open any browser and click , which will allow you to Focus on your various tags. You can also view the contents of your Tags by visiting the Tags browser.

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