How do I know my devices are on the same subnet/IP range?

How do I know my devices are on the same subnet/IP range?

What is a subnet?

When thinking about your network, we find comparing it with a university campus can be helpful. A university campus has different buildings for different departments, but they are all part of the same university. Similarly, a network can be divided into smaller sections called subnets ("subnet" is short for subnetwork, or a network contained inside of another network.) Each subnet is like a building within the campus.

Why Do Subnets Matter? 

Every connected machine in a local network receives a specific IP Address, and each IP Address is nestled within a subnetwork. Roon requires all devices to be on the same IP range, so any devices used by Roon can't be on a different subnet than the device running Roon Server. This includes remotes and endpoints. This means they must share a similar address, just like all buildings on a campus have the same main address, but different building numbers.  

How can I tell if my devices are on the same IP range? 

First, you need to determine the IP address of your devices.

An IP range will be something like 192.168.1.x, and 'x' changes for each device on the network. For example, your server machine might be If this is the case, you'll need your remotes and endpoints to also start with the same first 7 numbers in the IP scheme 192.168.1. If those first 3 sets of numbers are different, then they're on a different subnet!


Server IP

Remote IP

Endpoint IP


Great! All devices are on the same IP range.

This will not work because the remote and endpoint are on a different IP range than the server. 

How do I find the IP addresses of my devices?

There are a number of ways to find the IP addresses for your devices. You can do this by reviewing your devices list located in your router settings. You can also use third-party applications like Fing that scan the network and allow you to review your device IP list. For OS-specific instructions, please choose the relevant option below: 

For other devices, please refer to your product manual. 

If my devices are on different subnets, how do I fix it? 

This will depend on the configuration of your network. Sometimes this can be set this way purposefully. If this is the case, it is best to consult with your IT admin for your network. 

Most commonly, though, this issue stems from multiple routers operating on the network. If you are using multiple routers, make sure that you're using one primary router and the rest are set to "Bridge" mode. Consult your router's manual for instructions on doing so. 

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