How do I perform a manual backup

How do I perform a manual backup

We recommend against manual backups. Roon provides a robust built-in backup function that is more flexible and reliable than backing up manually.

If you don't have a good reason for backing up manually, we strongly recommend backing up using the instructions here . 

Backing Up Manually (Advanced)
  1. Close Roon (or RoonServer -- whatever is running your Roon Server)
  2. Navigate to your Roon database - details about finding your Roon database can be found here
  3. Copy your entire Roon folder to your backup location
  4. Restart Roon
 CAUTION - you must close Roon while making the backup or your backup may be corrupt.

Note that because Roon's database is frequently updated in the background, we strongly recommend against depending on automatic backup programs like Time Machine, Crashplan, Carbon Copy Cloner, etc, and others. 
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