Roon OS Missing Codecs

Roon OS Missing Codecs


Roon does not ship with patented codecs such as MP3 and AAC on any platform.
  1. On Android/iOS, Roon does not decode audio formats.
  2. On Windows/Mac, it uses the built-in system codecs.
  3. On Linux, Roon expects to find the codecs installed as part of the Linux based operating system.
  4. On Roon Server Partner hardware devices, the partner is expected to license the codecs required and provide them in their operating system.
Because Roon OS (the operating system behind Roon Optimized Core Kit) is optimized to do nothing but run Roon in the most efficient manner possible, it doesn't contain the general-purpose packages that come along with a large server or desktop Linux OS install.

Missing Codecs?

If you visit the web UI of Roon OS, it may tell you that you are missing codecs (with a link to this page.) To rectify this situation, you will need to make the codecs accessible to Roon OS. This is done by placing the `ffmpeg` file in the `Codecs` folder of Roon OS's shared `data` directory.

Note that the file must be called `ffmpeg` and must live in the `/Data/Codecs/` directory in your Roon OS's network share (so make sure you uncompress the .xz file). The ffmpeg must be a statically linked Linux ELF x64 binary. One place you can get those here:

How To Add Codecs: Step By Step
  1. Download ffmpeg - Roon will need access to the required codecs via the `/Data/Codecs/` directory. You'll need to download these codecs on another computer before you put them on ROCK.
    1. For example, grab and uncompress it. Remember, no additional files from that package are required, only ffmpeg. You will need to uncompress the file twice. 
    2. If you are using Windows and do not have the ability to uncompress .tar files, we recommend downloading the open-source program 7-Zip 
  2. Connect To Roon OS - Roon OS exposes a shared network folder called `Data`. You can access this SMB share by following the instructions here here
  3. Copy Codecs to Roon OS - Place the ffmpeg file in the `Codecs` folder, which you can find in Roon OS's `Data` directory
  4. Restart Your Server - Restart Roon Server using the Roon OS web interface
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